How to Square a Number in JavaScript

How to Square a Number in JavaScript

JavaScript is a widely used programming language, which is very popular in web development as well as on the server side. We can easily do various mathematical tasks with JavaScript. In today's blog, we will see how to "square" a number with the help of JavaScript. For example, if we multiply a number by itself, we get its square. For example, 3×3 = 9, so the square of 3 is 9. Let's see the above task through code below –


Problem – Find the "square" of any number through JavaScript?


Code –

function squareNumber(number) {
    return number * number;

// Example
const num = 5;
const result = squareNumber(num);
console.log(`The square of ${num} is: ${result}`);


Explanation -

  • First, we created a function called squareNumber. The function of this function is to take a number as input and return it by square.
  • By doing number * number in the function, we get the square of that number.
  • We declared a constant called num where we put the number 5. Then I passed the variable num to the squareNumber function and saved the result in another variable called result.
  • Finally, I showed the square of the number through console.log().


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About the author

Ahshan Habib
Hello! I am Ahshan Habib. I am a MERN Stack web developer. Blogging is my hobby and I would like to share my knowledge with everyone. Here I will share every day about education, technology, and Programming. So stay with us and share my page on your…

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