words is a common task in the programming world. For example, to find out how
many words are in a sentence, to determine the length of the text, to analyze
SEO titles or descriptions, or for content processing, etc. In today's blog, I
will discuss how to solve the above problem easily using JavaScript and find
the number of words in a string with detailed code.
function countWords(str) {
// Extra spaces have been removed
str = str.trim();
// If the string is empty, there are no words
if (str === "") {
return 0;
// Split the string by spaces and return the length of the array
const words = str.split(/\s+/);
return words.length;
// Example
const sentence = "notesaid24 provides best programming tutorial";
console.log(countWords(sentence)); // Output: 5
- First, the extra spaces at the beginning and end of the string are removed using the trim() method, so that the word count is correct.
- We use the split(/\s+/) method to split the string according to the space. Here /\s+/ is a regular expression that separates one or more spaces.
- Then we find the total number of words using the length of the array.
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function countWordsUsingMatch(str) {
// Trim and remove extra spaces
str = str.trim();
// Find words using regular expression
const words = str.match(/\b\w+\b/g);
// Return 0 if no words are found, otherwise return the total word count
return words ? words.length : 0;
// Example
const sentence = "notesaid24 provides best programming tutorial";
console.log(countWordsUsingMatch(sentence)); // Output: 5
/\b\w+\b/g This regular expression separates each word. Here, the beginning and
end of each word are marked with \b and each word is marked with \w+.
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function countWordsUsingReduce(str) {
// Trim and remove extra spaces
str = str.trim();
// If the string is empty, return 0
if (str === "") {
return 0;
// Split the string by spaces and count words using reduce
return str.split(/\s+/).reduce((count, word) => word ? count + 1 : count, 0);
// Example
const sentence = "notesaid24 provides best programming tutorial";
console.log(countWordsUsingReduce(sentence)); // Output: 5
First, the string is split by spaces, then the JavaScript reduce method is used
to loop over each word and count.
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function countWordsUsingLoop(str) {
// Trim the string to remove extra spaces
str = str.trim();
let count = 0;
let inWord = false;
// Loop through each character in the string
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] !== ' ') {
if (!inWord) {
inWord = true;
} else {
inWord = false;
return count;
// Example
const sentence = "notesaid24 provides best programming tutorial";
console.log(countWordsUsingLoop(sentence)); // Output: 5
Each word in the string is checked. If there is no space at the beginning of
the word, it is counted as a new word and the inWord flag is set to true. When
a space is found again, the inWord flag is set to false.
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function countWordsUsingFilter(str) {
// Split the string by spaces and filter out empty strings, then return the length
return str.split(' ').filter(word => word !== '').length;
// Example
const sentence = "notesaid24 provides best programming tutorial";
console.log(countWordsUsingFilter(sentence)); // Output: 5
First, each word is separated using split(' ') and the filter method is used to
remove blank words and return the length of the array.
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